Christian Education


Through various avenues such as seminars, Bible studies, and discipleship classes, we encourage members to grow in a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Gospel as it pertains to life. We hope you will make time to participate in any of the following practical and informative programs:


Gospel Connect Groups seek to connect every day life with Gospel truths. They consist of small group discussion/Bible studies over various relevant topics, seeking to inform, address and answer questions and issues from a Gospel-centered world view. Gospel Connect Groups are held bi-weekly from 8 to 10 sessions at a time.

DISCIPLESHIP training program

Our Discipleship Training Program is a three level course, 5 sessions each, designed to introduce, equip, and mature members in basic Christian doctrine. In more of a classroom format, the program takes seriously the building of foundational teaching for growth in faith. Accountability is found in the opportunity for serious questions and a final evaluation at the end of each session. Whether you are learning for the first time, or you are seeking to deepen your understanding, it is a great way to challenge yourself in understanding the Christian faith.


Throughout the year, interspersed amongst ongoing Sunday ministries, various seminars are held to continue to educate the church on relevant topics such as evangelism, Christian family and parenting, social/cultural issues, finances, etc.  Seminars provide the opportunity to learn a Biblical perspective on any current need/issue/topic of interest recommended by or church members or leadership.
