
About Us

We at Sojourner believe that one of the greatest joys and privileges of a believer is to worship the Lord in His very presence.  To this end, we seek to let the Word of God inform and instruct our worship service, and therefore recognize that by way of covenant God initiates and concludes His Worship through the Call of Worship to Benediction.


"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."  Acts 2:42

On any given Sunday, we hope to encounter Jesus Christ through the preaching of His Word, the breaking of bread together, and the fellowship of the saints.

Our worship is ordered in a way that helps us to not only express our joy in Christ, but also to deal with the ongoing affects of sin and its struggles in our lives by being renewed in the Gospel. We sing both contemporary songs as well as traditional hymns. Families with younger children are welcome to worship together, or may choose to take advantage of our Dayspring Ministry, which provides a children’s program from the ages of 2-8 during our main service.

There is no dress code, so just come as you are. We also don’t expect you to have your life all together before you go to church because we know life can be messy and we especially welcome those who may still have questions or doubts about Christianity. We hope to be of service and to provide avenues of investigation or inquiry as well.

Our service lasts for about an hour, followed by a time of fellowship with lunch held in the cafeteria immediately after worship.

If you are interested, there are various programs throughout the year on a Sunday after fellowship. Our children’s Sunday school is every Sunday from ages 2 and older, and for adults we have various ministries such as our Gospel Connect Groups, Bible studies, and seminars.


"For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.  But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city."  Hebrews 11:14-16

Welcome to Sojourner Presbyterian Church! We hope that you can learn, grow, and be fruitful with us as we love and serve our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The name of our church, “Sojourner” biblically depicts one of our basic Christian identities as a community of Christ. Even though we may come from different backgrounds, places, education, culture, or even race, we’re all in the same boat with Christ our head, His Kingdom our home away from home, and all of us sinners in need of His grace as we live our faith out in this world.

We’re a family comprised of singles, married couples, and children committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and praying to be a community full of grace, compassion, and love, so we whole-heartedly invite you to check us out! Join us on a Sunday as we engage and actively worship our God and hear about our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope to welcome you and to be of encouragement to you and your family with open arms!


Sojourner Presbyterian Church
Sunday service @ 12:30pm
First Presbyterian Church of Hackensack
64 Passaic St, Hackensack, NJ 07601
